Letitica Bufoni tells about Olympics and woman skateboarding

Letitica Bufoni tells about Olympics and woman skateboarding

The five-time X-Games gold medallist explains how the perception around women's skateboarding has changed over the years: "When I used to tell people that I skateboard, everyone looked at me and was like: 'You skateboard? That's not for girls!'... Now everyone thinks it's awesome, because women's skateboarding has grown so much in the past few years." Hear more from the Brazilian who is among the favorites to win a medal when the event makes its Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020 in 2021.
Maxime Favier
Thrasher Magazine - January 2022 issue - Samarria Brevard

Thrasher Magazine - January 2022 issue - Samarria Brevard

Thrasher Magazine - January 2022 - Samarria Brevard   Crédit Photo: Michael Burnett Samarria Brevard démarre 2022 avec un Kilty McBagpipe trop malade pour terminer ailleurs que sur la couverture de...
Guillaume DOBBELS
Lisa Whitaker de Meow Skateboards

Lisa Whitaker: Girls Skate Network, Meow Skateboards

Lisa Whitaker, fondatrice de Girls Skate Network et de Meow Skateboards, femme extraordinairement inspirée par le skateboard, explique comment, 25 ans plus tard, elle se souvient encore à quel point son premier ollie a été le plus grand accomplissement de toute sa vie. Et aussi, comment Internet et les médias sociaux ont changé le skateboard féminin et pourquoi vous n'êtes jamais trop vieux pour commencer à faire du skateboard!